Coaches Hub 3 of 9

3. Lightcliffe Academy - Training Guidance

Please see below guidance for teams currently training at Lightcliffe Academy

  • Always check COVID checklist before attending any session.
  • Current social distancing measures must be adhered to at all times.
  • Thursday night training sessions will be 50 minutes in duration. Session times are as follows: Session 1: 6:00pm - 6:55pm / Session 2: 7:05pm - 7:55pm / Session 3: 8:10pm - 9:00pm
  • Teams should ideally arrive no more than 5 minutes before their session is due to start.
  • If you are the first coach to arrive and the gates to the 3G Pitch are locked, there should be someone from LA in the Jubilee Centre building that can help to unlock the gates.
  • As coaches/parents/players arrive they must use the correct footpath dedicated to your assigned playing lane. DO NOT try to take a short cut and enter/exit the pitch by a different route, this includes cutting across any of the other lanes. We must stick to the footpaths set out by LA to ensure we maintain social distancing.
  • You must not enter the lane in any way until it is fully vacated by the previous team. This includes coaches needing to set up. This is to ensure we are not breaking the strict 30 rule per group for training sessions.
  • Everyone entering and leaving the pitch are required to have their hands sanitised.
  • Spectators must adhere to social distancing at all times, and MUST ONLY spectate from behind the metal fencing (no spectators are allowed on the pitches during the session).
  • For players 17yrs and under it is a 1:1 ratio of player:guardian. Siblings can attend for childcare reasons but they should maintain social distancing under their guardians supervision.
  • Goalposts must to be sanitised with the club wipes/spray provided at the start and end of each session.
  • Please make sure you finish your training session promptly on time. You must vacate your lane within 5 minutes of your session ending.
  • Dogs are NOT permitted anywhere on the grounds.

Please work together across the age groups at each session to make sure all guidelines are followed through.